Kentucky ballot measure should resolve school

Time:2024-06-03 21:37:12Source:Global Groove news portal

Kentucky’s long-running political battle over whether taxpayer money should fund private or charter schools could be settled “once and for all” when voters decide the fate of a ballot measure in November, the state Senate’s top Republican leader said Tuesday.

One of the most contentious debates of the legislative session that ended Monday will carry over into the fall. That’s when Kentuckians will vote on the proposed school choice constitutional amendment that the GOP-dominated legislature placed on the general election ballot.

If it is ratified by the electorate, it would clear the way for lawmakers to decide whether to support private or charter school education with taxpayer dollars after years of political and legal battles.

Asked if school choice efforts would be dropped or still pursued if the ballot measure fails, Republican Senate President Robert Stivers replied: “I think it would answer the question once and for all.”

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